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Fly Patterns For The Discerning Fly Tyer

The son of a late former member, Robert Alexander Jordan wishes to share his dad's book.

We received the following friendly note from Jack Jordan;


Both my father and I were members of the CAC many years ago, I'm now 88 years old, and my father died in 1986. After my father's death, I cobbled together all his recordings of the different fly's that he had accumulated over many years, some from books, some from friends, etc etc.

I named the book " Fly Patterns for the Discerning Fly Tyer. It is some time since I last did any fishing, only wish I could still do it, but my legs won't allow it nowadays.

I just wondered if there were any members who would like a copy of Dad's book, which I will enclose in this email for your perusal. Please feel free to distribute it to those who may think it useful.

Best regards and tight lines.

Jack (John W Jordan)

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